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Certified Reference Materials (CRMs)

Alpha Resources offers an extensive variety of CRMs 

Alpha Resources houses an accredited on-site laboratory for creating and certifying reference materials.


Publication features:

Select your matrix from the up-to-date list below to see Alpha's CRM options.

Standard TypeTypical Matrixes
Carbon and Sulfur in MetalsSteel Pins, Rings and Chips
Iron Pins, Chips and Powders
Tungsten Carbide Powder
Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen in MetalsSteel Pins and Chips
Titanium Pins
Zirconium Pins
Copper Pins
Iron Powders
Ore and LimestoneSoil Powders
Limestone Powders
Ore Powders
Coal and CokeCoal Powders
Coke Powders
Petroleum and FuelLube Oils
Residual Oils
Crude Oils
Vacuum Oils
Waste Oils
Organic Analytical StandardsFood Protein
CHNOS Organic Powders
Micro Analysis

Alpha Resources also offers:

We're here to support your lab with high quality product you can trust to perform. 
Latest News

Stevensville, Michigan, October 10, 2024 – Alpha Resources LLC is pleased to announce the following new product offerings and updates in certified reference materials which have been released in Q3 of 2024 from their lab. Click here

Stevensville, Michigan, July 23, 2024 – Alpha Resources LLC is pleased to announce the following new product offerings and updates in certified reference materials which have been released in Q2 of 2024 from their lab. Click here