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Heavy Mineral Oil Sulfur Standards


ARO Scientific has created certified reference materials to support quality control of sulfur content in pertroleum products.

Why is knowing sulfur content in petroleum important?

To protect from oxidation, contamination or degradation of products formed during use and service. ARO's Heavy Mineral Oil Sulfur Reference Materials is characterized by primary Gravimetric preparation. 

Verification of measuring equipment, method validation, method verification, or other quality control processes applicable for analyzing sulfur content in petroleum products, typically used in, but not limited to test methods ASTM D2622, ASTM D4294, ASTM D7039, ASTM D7212, ASTMD7220, IP 336, IP 496, IP 497, ISO 8754, or other applicable test methods.

Click here to view the Heavy Mineral Oil Sulfur Product List

Alpha Resources also offers ARO Scientific certified reference materials for a number of specialty industrial applications. Click below for additional information.     


Latest News

Stevensville, Michigan, July 23, 2024 – Alpha Resources LLC is pleased to announce the following new product offerings and updates in certified reference materials which have been released in Q2 of 2024 from their lab. Click here

Stevensville, Michigan, July 9, 2024 – Alpha Resources LLC has recently expanded their product offerings to include borate flux options.  Click for details