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Titanium CRMs for OHN Analysis

Alpha Resources is pleased to offer an unparalleled selection of Titanium Certified Reference Materials to support vital industries ranging from aerospace, automotive, electrics, medical, power, oil and gas.


Alpha Resources CRM products are tested and trusted to provide you with a range of options.

Rely on Alpha Resources:

  • For the widest selection of hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen certified values
  • For faster delivery 
  • To be 20-40% less expensive than OEMs

Alpha Resources actively improves our titanium CRM line on a regular basis.

Alpha Resources'  full line of titanium CRMs are available below. 

Publication features:


Quality is a prime concern for titanium using industries. Who wants a titanium hip joint or engine turbine with subpar quality?

It starts with comparing your titianium products to the right CRMs for quality control.

Quality is built into Alpha's CRM certification process from the start.  Robust statistical techniques are utilized to create a value that is not only repeatable but also very reproducible. Unlike OEMs who offer CRMs, Alpha Resources employs multiple analyzers from competing OEMs to eliminate any bias from the manufacturer.

Alpha Resources CRMs also provide 95% confidence limit of expanded uncertainty. 

Quality Assured

Alpha Resources

Certified: ISO 9001 | 17034 | 17025

ISO 9001 Certification 

17034 Certificate and Scope(2022-2024)

17025 Certificate and Scope(2022-2024) 

Titanium CRMS

Latest News

Stevensville, Michigan, July 23, 2024 – Alpha Resources LLC is pleased to announce the following new product offerings and updates in certified reference materials which have been released in Q2 of 2024 from their lab. Click here

Stevensville, Michigan, July 9, 2024 – Alpha Resources LLC has recently expanded their product offerings to include borate flux options.  Click for details